Basics to Blogging

If you’re just starting out blogging or building your own web site you need not worry, it’s super easy to do now a days.
Things you’ll need:
A domain – while simple to acquire, not so simple to choose.  This often takes way more time then it should but that’s ok, after all you don’t want to change names once you’ve decided.  After you have some ideas for a domain we recommend heading over to and seeing if it’s available.  Once you find a domain and register it, the next step is hosting.

Hosting – this is what serves up your web site’s content.  Every site on the internet has to be hosted somewhere.  The choices are overwhelming but pricing is very reasonable.  You can find hosting for as little as a couple dollars a month that’s reliable.  Once you determine your host you’ll need to set you domain’s name servers to that of your host.

A platform – You don’t need a platform, but it makes life a ton easier since most people don’t want to learn how to code a web site.  I would recommend what we use for this site, wordpress.

From there you’ll just need to install wordpress on your host and configure it to your liking.  There’s a lot to this, so I would suggest reading the many wordpress documents and manuals available online.

From a non-technical perspective what’s going to make your web site successful is great content and a great SEO company.  Write content that your users will actually want to read, not just filler crap.  This makes a big different and will help with your SEO efforts.  If you want further help, I’d recommend someone like eXplicit SEO, a Buffalo SEO company.  They will help you build a better site and understand what else you need to do in order to get your site more traffic.

I hope this was helpful – please check back often!

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